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Sustainability Workshop - Sharing Green Ideas

We have held a spectacular Sustainability Workshop!

Enthusiasts from different countries and climatic zones have gathered online to discuss practical, sustainable solutions to environmental challenges.

The participants had a chance to present their green ideas or talk about a project that they think deserves more attention! It was certainly the perfect opportunity to meet both the experts in the field of sustainable development and those new to this green journey.

Here is an overview of the outstanding speakers we had in our panel discussion.

1. Plastic, a life-saving defeat (Gianluca Puglisi, Italy)

2. Research by Design (Henry Glogau, Denmark)

3. Bio-fertiliser - a modern solution to a modern problem (Dr. Lamine Ndiaye, Senegal)

4. Transforming a monoculture farm into a permaculture farm (Madiou-Adnane Barry, Guinea)

5. More Clay Less Plastic (Lauren Moreira/Italy)

6. A self-made biogas installation (Martin Weider/Denmark)

7. Pumped storage - the potential of hydropower (Bartolomeo Rizzo/Italy)

The event was held with the support of the European Commission by Meridian Learning Center (Denmark) and Accademia IRSEI (Italy).

It was a great pleasure, and we are looking forward to sharing more practical sustainable solutions with you very soon.

Meanwhile, you are welcome to take a look at the recording of our great event!

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